I finished Sahil Bloom’s “The 5 Types of Wealth” the other day.
Toward the end, there was a chapter/section on compounding.
It gave the grains of rice chessboard parable, and the usual benefits for understanding it and harnessing it.
Good stuff.
It got me thinking:
We (humans) are terrible at understanding exponentials, like compounding.
I’d LOVE a tiny book on the magic of compounding.
I was thinking a whole lot of stuff to help hammer home the point.
A book one could pick up and re-read again and again as a reminder, with:
- diagrams
- parables
- quotes
- stories
- examples
And on.
I’m sure there are books out there, perhaps focused on kids or investors. Any general audience books?
At the very least, collecting the examples and sharing on a static site would be fun!